Auto theft is defined as the unlawful taking or stealing of a motor vehicle. A motor vehicle can be any type of vehicle that has the capacity to be driven, and it includes motorcycles, trucks, buses and automobiles.
Virginia has a fluctuating history with auto theft. It has experienced its peak in 1991 wherein the state had 21,284 offenses, and with a string of implemented auto theft prevention measures, it has fortunately dropped to 10,394 in 2010.
Seasonal crime
Auto theft may not have a permanent pattern, but apparently in Virginia, car theft cases tends to have a higher count during the months of May through August. According to a report, there are 37% car theft incidents during these months.
Tips to avoid car theft
Keep your car safe from car thieves and take note of these tips provided by Beat the Traffic:
- Don’t leave your car unlocked
- Never leave your car running
- Never leave valuables
- Park in high-traffic
- Don’t leave the registration or Title in Your Car
- If possible, have your windows tinted
- Copy your license plate and vehicle information (VIN)
- Install an audible alarm system and a visible anti-theft device
- Consider installing a GPS tracking system
- Park With Your Wheels Turned Toward the Curb
Help spread awareness in your city
With this knowledge in hand, you can help keep your city safe by placing the copyright and trademark protected signs and designs on your property or in your area. You can also make custom sign donations to your local police department and they will disperse them to businesses and in parks and recreation areas. Hide Lock Take started as a proactive crime awareness program in Dallas. It has since become the most successful tool that travels around the country fighting crimes and making a difference. If you want to keep your city safe and educate the citizens let be your resource.