Back in 2009, auto theft has made quite an impact in the city of Redmond, WA. Due to its location and accessibility, the city has suffered numerous issues, and most especially vehicular thefts. With the help of local enforcements, they had made strides with their car theft prevention program.
Washington auto theft statistics
The Washington State Patrol shares an insight on the current car theft trend in the state of Washington:
In Washington State . . .
- A car is stolen every 13 minutes.
- 106 cars are stolen every day.
- More vehicles have been stolen this year than any other year.
- Your car has a one in 179 chance of being stolen.
- Many stolen vehicles are used for other crimes.
- One out of five stolen cars are started with a key that was left in the car.
Increase crime awareness
Crime awareness is something that is almost always laid to the side, especially when it’s not something that is a current concern in our lives. But alas, crime incidents strikes when we least expect, which is why it is imperative that we are aware of the basic precaution when it comes to our safety.
Help spread awareness in your city
With this knowledge in hand, you can help keep your city safe by placing the copyright and trademark protected signs and designs on your property or in your area. You can also make custom sign donations to your local police department and they will disperse them to businesses and in parks and recreation areas. Hide Lock Take started as a proactive crime awareness program in Dallas. It has since become the most successful tool that travels around the country fighting crimes and making a difference. If you want to keep your city safe and educate the citizens let be your resource.