How a Double VIN Prompted a Car Dealer Search in Ohio

Buying a car is a serious decision, even if you’re just going to purchase a used car in a dealership. There are intricate things to consider and a wealth of details to sift through before you should hand over your cash to the checkout counter. A prime example of a cautionary tale is this recent article posted by the Springfield News-Sun, where a double VIN has prompted the local officials to conduct further investigation on the origin of the cars in their stable.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Vehicle Theft Unit made a pit stop at Mershon’s World of Cars and seized two cars that had questionable documents. The owner, Dan Mershon vehemently denied any allegations that tied him to illegal activities, but the local officials remains resilient in conducting further investigations.

Do you have a trustworthy car dealership?

How do you go about in buying a car? Do you have a list of websites, or do you visit the local shops that you’ve found near your home? Before you go out on an expensive buying spree, it is very important that you conduct an overview of the store’s dealing history. If it is a used car, make sure that you know how to look over old documents, and that you bring a trusted mechanic to ensure a good purchase.

Shady car dealerships and vehicle thefts

Did you know that in every 25 seconds, one vehicle is being stolen in the United States? Most of the time, stolen cars are chopped into bits and pieces that are then resold through the retail market.

Stop the vicious circle

You can stop this vicious circle by simply safeguarding the cars that you own. If you employ strict safety regiments that will hinder these thieves from stealing your cars, you will help decrease the ratio of resold stolen parts by one.

Help spread awareness in your city

With this knowledge in hand, you can help keep your city safe by placing the copyright and trademark protected signs and designs on your property or in your area. You can also make custom sign donations to your local police department and they will disperse them to businesses and in parks and recreation areas. Hide Lock Take started as a proactive crime awareness program in Dallas. It has since become the most successful tool that travels around the country fighting crimes and making a difference. If you want to keep your city safe and educate the citizens let be your resource.