Hide Lock Take signs are more than just a way to fight crime, they are a tool to advertise that you care! At the bottom of every HLT sign there is a white space for customization. Cities, businesses, and organizations all over are finding this to be a media for internal brand marketing. Having a logo on the signs base, next to the reminder statement, shows a partnership of community and law enforcement service. Police departments endorse the Hide Lock Take program all over the country and beyond. Due to popular demand, the police departments run out of these signs extremely fast. Groups looking to make a donation, receive or give grants, or use advertising budget can purchase the signs and have their logo on the sign and a custom or generic reminder statement. The signs can be delivered for free to cities in one area or across the state/nation to police departments. The authorities will give out and even put up the signs in city areas that do not allow normal advertising or company promotion such as city parks or roads. That is another great avenue with Hide Lock Take, let the police advertise for you!