Car theft in Connecticut might not be at its peak, but it’s still a recurring problem for local residents. From 7,461 car theft incidents in 2009, it has decreased to 6,707 in 2010. The motor vehicle theft reports might be lower compared to other states; however this doesn’t mean that Connecticut residents have been free of car theft incidents.
Car theft in Connecticut
Just recently, a local resident has been charged with second degree larceny. Fortunately the state police had successfully tracked his whereabouts and he was apprehended for his criminal act. It must have been the final straw in his luck, as it has been found that the suspect had eight outstanding arrest warrants for failure to appear in court.
Car theft prevention tips
To ease your mind and to help protect your cars, the Hartford police offered a series of car theft prevention tips:
– Close all windows lock all doors and take the keys with you. In Connecticut, almost 25 percent of stolen vehicles had the keys in them.
– Never hide a second set of keys anywhere on or inside your vehicle. Thieves often rummage through a car before taking it. They WILL find a hidden key.
– Never leave your vehicle running, even if you will only be gone for a minute, or warming it up in your driveway; vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, gas stations, driveways, and ATMs.
– Park in well-lighted areas. Over 70 percent of vehicle thefts occur at night.
– Park in attended or heavy traffic lots.
– Do not become complacent because you drive an older-model vehicle. Older cars can be resold quickly or stripped for parts. A vehicle’s parts are worth two to three time the value of the car.
– Be sure your anti-theft devices are activated
Help spread awareness in your city
With this knowledge in hand, you can help keep your city safe by placing the copyright and trademark protected signs and designs on your property or in your area. You can also make custom sign donations to your local police department and they will disperse them to businesses and in parks and recreation areas. Hide Lock Take started as a proactive crime awareness program in Dallas. It has since become the most successful tool that travels around the country fighting crimes and making a difference. If you want to keep your city safe and educate the citizens let be your resource.