Honda – the Popular Choice for Oregon Auto Theft Cases

When the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) released their annual Hot Wheels Report in 2010, they have concluded that the most popular choice for car thefts were cars manufactured by Honda. Certain cars are targeted because of lax security measures, while some are eyed because of their part’s market value.

To have a better look at the type of cars that are commonly stolen in Oregon, NICB released a list in 2010:

1. 1992 Honda Accord

2. 1998 Honda Civic

3. 1990 Toyota Camry

4. 1995 Acura Integra

5. 1996 Subaru Legacy

6. 1989 Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size)

7. 2003 Toyota Corolla

8. 1994 Ford F150 Series/Pickup

9. 2001 Dodge Ram

10. 1994 Nissan Sentra

Auto theft can be an expensive nuisance

Being a victim of an auto theft crime is not just a major inconvenience in terms of stolen property, but the resulting expense and insurance repercussions can create a major dent in your allotted budget. In a piece written by, Karl Newman, NW Insurance Council president was quoted that “Consumers pay billions each year for auto theft,” he said. “The cost to replace stolen vehicles and repair those that are recovered is reflected in your insurance rates. That makes auto theft an important issue for every vehicle owner.”

Safeguard yourself from auto theft

Keep in mind that thieves will most likely target cars that are easier to break, so make sure that you give your car a chance by employing a strict security regiment. Having a presence of mind will make you less vulnerable, so try and remember the basic precautions. Keep important items off your unattended cars. Lock your cars each time you’re out. Hide and store your keys away from tempted thieves

Help spread awareness in your city

With this knowledge in hand, you can help keep your city safe by placing the copyright and trademark protected signs and designs on your property or in your area. You can also make custom sign donations to your local police department and they will disperse them to businesses and in parks and recreation areas. Hide Lock Take started as a proactive crime awareness program in Dallas. It has since become the most successful tool that travels around the country fighting crimes and making a difference. If you want to keep your city safe and educate the citizens let be your resource.